Our department actively reaches out to the community. We offer several summer camp programs that benefit the community and enrich our graduate student’s experience. We offer camps and programs for children and adults with various hearing and speech issues.
If you have a child who stutters, CampSpeakaLot might be a good fit. This FREE camp is currently recruiting participants between the ages of 7 and 13 years. The camp is actually a research study investigating Acceptance and Commitment Group Therapy for Children who Stutter. It is held at Piney Lake in Greensboro.Camp Speak-a-lot Flyer (PDF)
The Learning Lab is a unique and innovative summer program for children 7 – 12 years old who have been diagnosed with auditory processing disorder (APD).
Graduate students volunteer their time and energy to organize, fundraise, cook, and walk to support the Brain Injury Association of North Carolina (BIANC). These efforts help to increase community awareness of brain injury and to raise funds for thousands of individuals in the state who are living with the chronic effects of brain injury.
Dr. Lundgren and Dr. Ye He received a Fulbright-Hays Group Projects Abroad Program award in 2015 to support a four-week study abroad experience in Shanghai, China.
Teachers and speech-language pathologists from North Carolina participated in this program.