UNC Greensboro

Camp Helps Build Communication Through Horses 

horse power camp

Larry Farrer sits astride a stately brown horse with white markings, holding his arms out perpendicular to the ground. His horse walks onto a low platform, then walks off, Farrer still holding his arms up. He has a wide grin on his face. 

Camp helps kids, grad students, to grow

A camper smiles at an adult volunteer

Emily Hamuka, a clinical educator in the Communication Sciences and Disorders Department at UNC Greensboro, was once asked what she would do if she could design any summer camp. From that question – the Sports and Language Camp was formed.

Speaking Science

Dr. Lucia Mendez demonstrating her Bilingualtek project.

Bilingualtek project integrates language and science learning. “Language is so important for science learning because in order to even think about science concepts, you also need the words.” Sitting criss-cross in a circle, five preschoolers reach out to touch pieces of fabric their teacher spreads in front of them.

Helping Clients Find Their Voice

Client participating in voice therapy

Sena Crutchley didn’t set out to become a specialist in gender affirming voice work. When she joined UNC Greensboro’s Communication Sciences and Disorders Department (CSD) in 2007, the University already had an established program housed within the Speech and Hearing Center.

Visiting an Audiologist Isn’t Something to Fear

Imagine being newly retired and excited to embrace hobbies. As the days go on, you begin to notice difficulty hearing some of your favorite sounds, from your grandchildren playing in the pool to the pitter-patter of rain on the rooftop. 

NBA Player Michael Kidd-Gilchrist Inspires Speech-Language Pathologists

Michael Kidd-Gilchrist on UNCG's campus

Professional basketball player Michael Kidd-Gilchrist visited UNC Greensboro’s campus on Feb. 1 to speak to students in the Department of Communications Sciences and Disorders (CSD) about his past, present, and future journey as a person who stutters. The department’s Speech and Hearing Center trains students for future careers in speech-language pathology and provides services to the community, including clinical services for people who stutter.

Featured Alumni: Dionne Anderson

Dionne Anderson, CSD Alumna Class of 2015

When I graduated from UNCG in 2015, I never imagined that I would be working in the trenches on the frontlines of a global pandemic. However, that is exactly where I am today. And while this work is exhausting and often sad, I am beyond grateful that my UNCG education and 6 years of experience working at Atrium Healthcare in Charlotte, NC has prepared me for this moment. The media may allude 2020 as the year of nurses and respiratory therapists, but us Speech Language Pathologists are a valued member of every medical team and have our role to play as well.

Featured Alumni: Sarah Keizer

Sarah Keizer, CSD Alumna Class of 2008

Following graduation in 2008, I accepted a position as an outpatient pediatric speech-language pathologist at Wake Forest University Medical Center in Winston-Salem, North Carolina where I completed my clinical fellowship year and have been practicing ever since.

Students take the reins at horse therapy camp

Horsepower Summer Camp

It’s a hot Tuesday morning in July. The horses twitch and stomp. A barn cat snoozes in the sun. Seems like just another day at HORSEPOWER Therapeutic Learning Center in Colfax, but for four kids with intellectual learning disabilities, it’s the best day.