Calipso Information
First Time Calipso Users:
If supervising an On-Campus SLP Program Student: Please send your ASHA number to Ms. Harrington at [email protected]. Once you have done this she will send you a PIN so you can register yourself at the following
If supervising an Online SLP Program Students: Please send your ASHA number to Dr. Holt at [email protected]. Once you have done this she will send you a PIN so you can register yourself at the following
Returning Calipso Users:
You may login with your ASHA number and password. If you do not remember your password please follow the “Forgot Password” Link and Instructions. If you have any additional issues, questions, or comments please contact Ms. McDonald, her Graduate Assistant, or Calipso’s wonderful support team.
(Clinical Assessment of Learning, Inventory of Performance, and Streamlined Office-Operations)
- Before registering, have available your 1) PIN provided by the Clinical Coordinator, 2) ASHA card, 3) state licensure card, and 4) teacher certification information if applicable. If possible, have available scanned copies of your certification and licensure cards for upload during the registration process.
- Go to
- Click on the “Supervisor” registration link located below the login button.
- Complete the requested information and click “Register.”
- On the following screen, again complete the requested information and click “Save” at the bottom of the page. A “Registration Complete” message will be displayed and you will automatically be logged into CALIPSO.
For subsequent logins, go to and login to CALIPSO using your 8-digit ASHA number and password that you created for yourself during the registration process (step one.)
- Locate “Change class to:” and select from the drop-down menu the appropriate class
- Click “Change.”
- Click on “Student Information”
- Locate “Add Student of Interest” and select your student from the drop-down menu.
- Click “Add.”
- Click on “Clockhours” then “Experience Record” to view a summary of clock hours obtained and clock hours needed.
- Students may be required to gain a minimum of (20) hours in the evaluation and treatment of children and adults for both speech and language disorders which is summarized in the table at the bottom of the page.
- Please note the student’s Clinical Competency Level (I, II, or III) on the page header if applicable.
- Print/save clock hour record by clicking “Print Experience Record.”
- Click “Student Information” located within the blue stripe to return to the student list.
- Click on “Cumulative evaluation” to view a summary of your student’s clinical competency across the 9 disorder areas.
- Upon completion of the clinical program, students must have an average score of 3.0 or higher for all clinical competencies listed on the form.
- Please make note of any areas of deficiency (highlighted in orange.)
- Click “Student Information” located within the blue stripe to return to the student list.
- Click “Compliance/Immunizations” to view a record of compliance and immunization documents.
- To create a document to save and/or print, click “PDF.”
- An electronic file of the original documents can be accessed, if necessary and if uploaded by the Clinical Coordinator, by clicking “Files” located within the blue stripe.
- Click “Home” located within the blue stripe to return to the home page.
- From the home page, click on the “Site Information Forms” link under the Management header.
- Click “Add new form.”
- Complete the requested information and click “Save.”
- The file management feature allows you to upload any type of file (e.g. Word, PDF, JPEG, audio/video) pertinent to the clinical experience for a specific student.
- Select the desired student and then click on the “Clinical Placement” link to upload your own file and/or view a file uploaded by your student.
- First, select a folder by clicking on the folder name or create a new folder or subfolder. To create a new folder or subfolder, type in desired folder name in the “Add folder” field and press “create.”
- Upload a file by pressing the “Browse” button, selecting a file, completing the requested fields, and clicking “upload.” The upload fields will display if you have selected an unrestricted folder. Set the file permission by choosing “public” for student and clinical administrator access or “private” for clinical administrator access only.
- Move files by dragging and dropping from one folder to another.
- Delete files by clicking the “delete” button next to the file name. Delete folders by deleting all files from the folder. Once all the files within the folder have been deleted, a “delete” link will appear to the right of the folder name.
- Login to CALIPSO (Step 2)
- Select the desired “Class” and click “change.”
- Click “New evaluation”.
- Complete required fields designated with an asterisk and press save.
- Continue completing evaluation by scoring all applicable skills across the Big 9 using the provided scoring method and saving frequently to avoid loss of data.
- Once the evaluation is complete, review it with the student. Type his/her name with the corresponding date as well as your name with the corresponding date located at the bottom of the page.
- Check the “final submission” box located just below the signatures.
- Click “save.
- Receive message stating “evaluation recorded.”
- Please note: you may edit and save the evaluation as often as you wish until the final submission box is checked. Once the final submission box is checked and the evaluation saved, the status will change from “in progress” to “final”. Students will then have access to view the submitted evaluation when logged into the system.
- To view the evaluation, click “Student Information” located within the blue stripe then “evaluations” located to the right of the student’s name.
- Login to CALIPSO (Step 2)
- Select the desired “Class” and click “change.”
- Click “Student Information” then “evaluations” located to the right of the student’s name.
- Identify the evaluation completed at midterm and click on “Make a duplicate of this evaluation.”
- The duplicated evaluation will appear in the evaluations list.
- Identify the duplicate (noted as “in progress”) and click on the “current evaluation” link highlighted in blue.
- Change “Evaluation type” from midterm to final.
- Complete evaluation by changing and/or adding scores for applicable skills across the Big 9 using the provided scoring method and saving frequently to avoid loss of data.
- Once the evaluation is complete, review it with the student. Type his/her name with the corresponding date as well as your name with the corresponding date located at the bottom of the page.
- Check the “final submission” box located just below the signatures.
- Click “save.”
- Receive message stating “evaluation recorded.”
- At the completion of the rotation or as often as directed, your student will log their clock hours into CALIPSO.
- An automatically generated e-mail will be sent notifying you that clock hours have been submitted and are awaiting approval.
- Login to CALIPSO (step two.)
- Click “clockhour forms pending approval.”
- Identify your current student’s record.
- Click “View/Edit” in the far right column.
- Review hours, making changes if necessary.
- Complete the % of time the student was observed while conducting evaluations and providing treatment.
- Approve clock hours by selecting “yes” beside “Supervisor approval” located at the bottom of the page.
- Click “Save.”
- For an official record of this supervisory experience (past or present), click on the “Supervision summary” link located under the Management header on the home page.
- Select “Printable view (PDF)” to create a document to save and/or print.
- At the completion of the rotation, your student will complete a supervisory feedback form in CALIPSO.
- An automatically generated e-mail will be sent stating that you have feedback available to view.
- Login to CALIPSO (step two)
- Select the desired “Class” and click “change.”
- Click “Supervisor feedback forms.”
- Click “View/Edit” in the far right column.
- Update e-mail address changes, name changes, certification expiration dates with corresponding scanned copies of your card by logging into CALIPSO (step two.)
- Click “Update your information.”
- Make changes and click “save” and/or click “Edit licenses and certification.”
- Update information and upload supporting files and click “save” located at the bottom of the screen.